Land For Sale In Bali, Sawangan, Nusa Dua

Dijual tanah tebing pantai, lokasi Sawangan - Nusa dua. Luas tanah 18.000m2 dengan lebar tebing 100 meter, di bawah tebing ada pantai dan ada akses turun ke pantai. Harga IDR 1.5 Milyar / are nego dengan setatus tanah Hak Milik dan lahan bisa di ambil minimal 10.000m2 
Berikut lahan yang dimaksud dalam google map adalah garis line warna hijau.

For sale land cliff beach, location Sawangan - Nusa dua. Total land area 18.000m2 with a cliff width of 100 meters, under the cliff there is a beach and there is access down to the beach. Price IDR 1.5 Billion / are negotiable with setatus of land Right and land can be taken at least 10.000m2
Here the land referred to in the google map is the green line line.

Contact Person/What up : +62 812 387 011 47

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